Sunday, April 19, 2009

Makes sense to Grandma!

A few things I am learning: (from a blog of a homeschooler - lots of sense here!)

~ Create a vacuum. if you are constantly rushing to fill time and space with activities/crafts/outings your children will never be bored. boredom is nothing to be feared; it can be a wonderful catalyst for children to discover their own interests and drives. if mom is always providing direction they may avoid boredom, but they may also lose out on the wonderful adventure of developing passions. creating a vacuum takes determination however; be prepared to ignore whining about television and video games, etc. my kids know that complaining earns you extra work, which is also a great way to discover what you really wish you could be doing!

~ Wait. don't rush out and buy a bunch of stuff. let your kids nibble on a lot of ideas. a child that shows an interest in painting can start out with books from the library and a simple paint and brush set. if the idea takes hold, buy better supplies then. but let your children lead the way.

~ Raise the bar. include the finer things in your daily life. every once in awhile turn on classical music in the car. read challenging books. watch a classic movie once a month. these things are loved and appreciated for a reason. take the time to develop an understanding of them.

~ Don't indulge laziness. routines are important. being a natural learner doesn't mean that we live with no constraints. it means we are diligently pursuing learning without compartmentalization. yes, our days look different than traditional school days, but we still work hard. in our home, mornings are set aside for books and papers and afternoons for exploration, work and creating.

~ Say yes. as often as you can. let them go off on a tangent about japanese internment, the life of the barn owl, germ warfare. if they discover they like to work best in a textbook, let them go for it. be their cheerleader.

~ Lastly, and most importantly, give up control. don't micromanage. let the Lord have the control and listen to His promptings. so many times i have been anxious and worried about an issue only to have the Lord tell me to wait quietly; then i watch in amazement as He provides perfectly and effectively. there is a reason the scripture urges us to wait on the Lord. it is because He is already in the act of supplying our needs.

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