Monday, June 22, 2009

An Excerpt from Raising Godly Tomatoes

The degree of success you achieve will be directly related to how consistent you are. Don't get lazy. Don't give up. Don't make excuses. Don’t be “on again, off again” about training your children. Keep your children with you* and watch them, correcting all disobedience and bad attitudes. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Don't be afraid to set high standards and maintain them. Teach and train your children, then expect them to act in a godly manner. Require them to always act the way you would like them to act, and the way you believe God would like them to act, not the way others may let their children act. Be consistent in your training and in your expectations. (Taken directly from Raising Godly Tomatoes, chapter 3)

You can click on the link above to go to the web site and click on any chapter in the left side bar to read it. *She stresses "keeping your children with you" in order to teach them obedience. See especially: The Basics and Before, Starting Early, and Starting Late - all listed in the left side bar at the above site. I think she has some extremely valuable ideas here!

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