Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun at the Leo-Cedarville Park

After park & ice cream, it was time to get the sticky stuff off! So the kids had fun in the outdoor bath tub! We even put color into the water. Guess what colors?!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mom & Dad,
    Thanks for dealking with the wet beds and the accidents- I'm sorry that it's been so much!- I really thought he'd do alright! :( Thanks for all the fun, creative things you are doing with them- their memories will forever be impacted with your love and your willingness to share your lives with them. Tell the kids I love them and that I'm "checking on them" through the website! I might be more homesick for them than they are for me. Taniah and I are missing them- today- I got so much done yesterday that today I'm trying to figure out what to do with my time- thanks for the "break" it's a gift!
