Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to our Firstborn!

Gary remembers the time of her birth being around 1:30 in the morning. Norton, Kansas, was the place. Gary was in the final week or so of practices for his first season of coaching high school football.

How beautiful the first sight of our tiny daughter, Amy Denee! She remains beautiful today. Her heart is soft and tender. Her compassion is endless. She is a faithful friend, loving spouse, and mother of three happy children.

That she survived our inexperience as parents is a great relief to us!

Amy, we celebrate each year of your life today. We thank God for all the experiences He has brought you through, the responsibilities you carry out in the present, and the future that remains ahead of you. Our love and prayers are especially with and for you today.

Happy Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday, Amy Denee!
    Such a lovely tribute from mother to daughter!
    Wishing you all the best,

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. We are just back from vacation so I'm now catching up on e-mails and am getting ready to update the blog with vacation events.
    I've enjoyed looking around you blogs and wanted to say belated happy birthday to Amy! Love the birthday music too!
